Gilda Alvarez, driven by her own experiences and success, founded her nonprofit, "Latinas in Data," with a mission to carve out space for Latinas in the rapidly evolving tech and data industries. She envisions her nonprofit as a catalyst for change, addressing the stark underrepresentation of Latinas in the technology and data science fields.
Latinas in Data is dedicated to inspiring, empowering, and supporting Latinas to pursue careers in technology. Through mentorship programs, workshops, and partnerships with tech companies, the organization seeks to bolster the presence and impact of Latinas in tech, ensuring they have the resources, education, and network to thrive.
Central to the purpose of Latinas in Data is not only increasing diversity within the tech sector but also driving innovation through inclusion. Gilda believes that by bringing diverse perspectives to the table, particularly those of Latinas who have historically been marginalized in this sector, the tech industry can achieve greater innovation and solve complex problems more effectively.
Latinas in Data strives to create a community where Latinas feel seen, valued, and positioned to excel as leaders in technology. By doing so, Gilda hopes to build a future where Latinas are not just participants in the digital world but are shaping its direction and progress.
Empowering Latinas and underrepresented minorities for successful careers in data professions. We offer free, industry-standard education, connecting learners with experienced mentors for continuous guidance, and preparing them for meaningful employment opportunities.
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